Cat cafe in Myeongdong
syyskuuta 21, 2017Me and two of my friends have started a habit of going to a new cafe every Wednesday. Last wednesday we went to a sheep cafe called Thanks Nature Cafe in Hongdae and this week we ended up going to a cat cafe. And because I love cats more than life itself I, of course, had to write a post about it.
The cat cafe was called Cat Cafe Playground and it is located in Myeongdong. The entry fee is 6,000 won (~ 4 €) and it included one drink. Not that bad if you ask me. The cafe had probably close to 30 cats, many different breeds and sizes. Some cats had collars that told something about them e.g. yellow meant that the cat was on an diet, red that the cat might sometimes bite etc. Some of the cats also had blue collars and at first we didn't know what those meant. However we found it the hard way.. It apparently meant that those cats get upset stomach and throw up, if they are fed a bit too much. And how did we find that out? Well, let's just say that we apparently had given too much food to one of the cats and it decided to return the food to us..
I'm not lying when I say that it was the best day of my whole time here. Especially at that point when I got a new cat friend, who came to sleep to my lap without asking, life was just smiling. Seeing and petting so many cats made me feel immediately better. I think that from now on I will always go to a cat cafe whenever I feel a little bit down.
2 Kommenttia
Lammaskahvila!! Oliko siellä siis oikeesti lampaita kuljeksimassa? :D Mut kissakahvilaki on ihana. Mä kävin kans sellasessa jonkin aikaa sitten, ja on jotenkin ihana ku voi kahvinjuonnin lomassa paijata kissoja ^_^
VastaaPoista♥: Linda/Revontulipalo
Ei ollu onneks siellä kahvilan puolella, ne oli siinä kahvilan vieressä sellasessa söpössä pienessä aitauksessa ja niitä sai mennä paijaamaan sinne :). Ja kissakahvilat on kyllä ihania, ihanan rentouttavaa paijailla vaan kissoja :D