Small differences
elokuuta 22, 2017Germany and Berlin are now behind. I came to Finland for a 5 days to suprise my little siblings and to show people that I'm still okay. It feels so funny, for some reason, to be here because everything is just like when I left even though I'm not the same Anni that left for Germany in May. I know, sounds so cliche but I'm not lying. I feel like I'm more open and maybe a little bit more grown-up than I was before leaving.
Even my little sister was so shocked when I just casually talked to her about everything because earlier I was more closed. I even told her about the bad things that happened in Berlin. Yes, some not so good things happened in Berlin as well. But those are the things I don't want to remember about Berlin. I want to remember the feeling of exploring a new part of a city, the moment when I was insanely happy, that moment when I got to let go after a hard week of work and that feeling when I realized I can actually survive on my own. Those are the things I want to remember when I'm old. Even though right now the bad things keep popping up from time to time when I think about Berlin, I know that in the end I won't remember those. In a little time all those bad things will feel like nothing. Time will heal the wounds.
The day after tomorrow right about this time my flight will leave from Helsinki-Vantaa towards Korea. I have to confess, I feel really nervous. But at the same time it doesn't feel real yet. I've just came back from Germany and I'm still so charmed byt it and now I'm going to a yet another new enviroment. Somehow it feels really amazing. If someone had told me few years back that when I'm 20, I would work in Berlin for a summer and then go to Seoul to study for the rest of the year, I would've not believed them. Few years back I would've never been brave enough to go abroad, let alone all by myself. Life couldn't honestly be any better right now.
2 Kommenttia
Kuulostaapa ihan mahtavilta nämä sun seikkailut, mielenkiinnolla jään seurailemaan, miten Soulissa lähtee menemään :) Se kun on itselleni ihan vieras osa palloa vielä!
Tervetuloa vaan seurailemaan 😊.